DIY Bathtub Couches

Easy DIY Couches Ideas

You really want to relax in a deep bathtub after a long day hard working.   Do you want to have same experience in your room or kitchen?  Yes it’s almost possible.  Using Couches made of real cast iron bathtubs made in 1800s and 1900s, you can enjoy this experience.  If you want some furniture with […]

DIY scarf and accessory hanger

Easy DIY Scarf and Accessory Hanger

If you have lot of scarves and want to organize them, then we have a DIY great idea for you!  To make an accessory hanger, you need 10 shower curtains hooks, acrylic paint, 1 pants hanger, a sponge brush, painter’s tape, E-600 glue, super glue and wax paper.  In first step paint the hanger.  You […]

DIY tips to hide a pet litter box

DIY to Hide a Pet Litter Box

If there is a cat in your home, then there is also need of a litter box.  But how can you hide it to save your space design.  There are some easy DIY tips to do that.  First one is to renovate your furniture piece.  Take an IKEA piece of proper size, make the entrance […]