Towel is one of the necessary items used in every type of bathroom, but some people feel difficulties while making the storage space for them. Don’t worry we have so many unique towel storage ideas for you to solve the towel storage problem. Some people store bathroom items in shelves or make some drawers mean use different methods for storage. But every person cannot do this job because it requires some technical skills and simple DIY storage ideas for this project. You can make storage space by making wooden wall shelves or wooden cabinets under the water sink. But you’ll need to check is there sufficient space available to make wooden shelve or cabinets. It also depends that how many items for which you want to make storage arrangements. Because every home has different size of bathroom as it depends that how many family are living there. If you have some technical skills then you can make storage cabinets in small space available in bathroom. Take some measurements of the space available in your bathroom and also keep in view the bathroom necessary items and then make storage space for them. Making wooden cabinets is a unique towel storage idea for small bathroom.