DIY Pallet Furniture For Boys

DIY Pallet Shelf Design

If you want to make the most beautiful room for your boys, follow these ideas, and make the wonderful paradise for your little child. Very interesting idea is using the pallets, which are not so expensive but very useful. If you want simple little bed just for sitting, you can use two pallets and put the colourful mattress above them. If your boy leaves his shoes all around the room, you can also fix that. All you need is one pallet upright against the wall. You can paint your pallets in colours of rainbow or leave them naturally. If you have twins or triplets, pallets are very good idea because you can stow the two side by side and hang the third bed on the ceiling. If you don’t have enough space in room for lots of toys, you can make a shelf of pallets and save on space. Also, you can hang their clothes on the shelf hanger made of pallet and stow the books. Your child would love his room and spend a lot of time playing with friends, so you would be proud parent.

DIY Hanging Bed

DIY Bed Decor

DIY Triple Bed

DIY Pallet Shelf Design

DIY Pallet Bed

DIY White Shelf

DIY Huge Bed Design

DIY Pallet Bed Design

DIY Book Shelf

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