A lawn is place where we sit together spend most of time attending our family members and guests. Therefore we should know some cool DIY outdoor decorating ideas. If your lawn is decorated well and has a natural look it you’ll feel happiness while sitting there and can enjoy a natural atmosphere. First of all there should be gross in your lawn. Plant many plants there and make a beautiful fence around them to keep them safe. Another beautiful idea to décor your outdoor is to make hanging lamps in your garden. It’ll look awesome and also a good source of your lightning. Soda bottles are easily available at home; utilize them in making hanging lamps. Plant some beautiful flowers having nice smell in your lawn. During arrival of spring season it’ll decorate your lawn with natural look. For a wonderful celebration, décor your lawn during the eve and enjoy it. There are so many Christmas lawn decorating ideas. Decorate your lawn with fancy light during Christmas and use soapy bubbles have a nice fun.